
  • 金錢服務經營者合規顧問服務
    1. 提供海關最新資訊,包括條例,指引,通函,刊物
    2. 季度報表提醒
    3. 海關舉辦講座通知及報名
    4. 續牌提醒
    5. 續牌申請文件服務八折優惠
  • 企業合規顧問服務
  1. 合規流程建議及審核
  2. 打擊洗錢審計報告
  3. 撰寫打擊洗錢政策
  4. 撰寫業務計劃
  5. 定期更新不同監管機構的合規要求和政策,以確保公司符合有關當局最新的法例
  6. 安排牌照申請或續牌相關文件及表格
  7. 持續性協助客戶處理及解決合規事宜問題
  8. 提供各類型支援服務,例如電話會議、網上查詢等
  9.  員工培訓

費用視乎企業的營運方式及規模, 請向我們查詢

Our services include:

  • Compliance consultant services for money service operators
  1. Provide the latest customs information, including regulations, guidelines, circulars, publications
  2. Remind for Quarterly periodic reports submission
  3. Notice about Customs seminar and registration
  4. Licence renewal reminder
  5. 20% discount on licence renewal application service

The fee is HK$1000 per month (minimum contract term of one year).

  • Corporate Regulation Advisory Service
  1. Compliance process advice and review
  2. AML Audit
  3. Prepare AML Policy
  4. Prepare Business Plan
  5. Regularly update the compliance requirements and policies of different regulatory bodies to ensure that the company complies with the latest legislation of the relevant authorities
  6. Arrange relevant documents for licence application or renewal
  7. Ongoing assistance to clients in handling and resolving compliance issues
  8. Provide various types of support services, such as conference calls, online inquiries, etc
  9. Staff Training

The fee depending on the size of licensee, please contact us at 34816878 for quotation or more information